Huffington Post Now Has Drudge Like Editorial Standards
Appearing as the second story on the politics section of Huffington Post right now is this story: She’s out there calling President Obama a “hater”! Really grabs the attention – doesn’t it? Big problem though. Here’s the actual headline: Michele Bachmann Calls President Of Iran A ‘Hater’ With the omission of two words, “of Iran”, […]

Appearing as the second story on the politics section of Huffington Post right now is this story:
She’s out there calling President Obama a “hater”! Really grabs the attention – doesn’t it?
Big problem though. Here’s the actual headline:
With the omission of two words, “of Iran”, Huffington Post has now joined the ranks of Matt Drudge and Fox News. Their editorial standards are gone.
I really do not enjoy having to sit here and defend Michele Bachmann, but on this case I must. A lot of people will just read that headline and go out there “Bachmann called Obama a hater”, when in fact she didn’t. There’s more than enough crazy things Bachmann has said to sink her if she was even a contender for the White House, which she isn’t.
But now Huffington Post has gone out there and caused damage. A lot on the right will point to this as more evidence of a “liberal media bias” and I can’t really blame them. It’s unprofessional and highly distasteful and this actually angers me more than the lies and spin put out by the right wing media. We should be better than them and this is not how to do that.