March 5, 2012 /

Rush's "Apology"

Over the weekend Rush Limbaugh issued his apology to Sandra Fluke for calling her a slut. Instead of doing an on air apology like other personalities have done in the past, Rush took the most cowardly of approached, releasing a statement through a spokesperson late on a Saturday afternoon. This hasn’t helped Rush’s problems. Advertisers […]

Over the weekend Rush Limbaugh issued his apology to Sandra Fluke for calling her a slut. Instead of doing an on air apology like other personalities have done in the past, Rush took the most cowardly of approached, releasing a statement through a spokesperson late on a Saturday afternoon.

This hasn’t helped Rush’s problems. Advertisers are still fleeing his show. One company is Carbonite:

One such company that had been a longtime sponsor of Mr. Limbaugh’s, Carbonite, said it would reconsider its ad spending; after the apology was issued, it announced that it would suspend its ads anyway. “We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse,” the company’s chief executive, David Friend, said.

And as a business owner I can fully understand where these advertisers are coming from. It’s not that this was just an isolated incident from Rush. It happens all the time. He is the biggest misogynist on the airwaves and his half-assed attempt at an apology proves he won’t change. Of course that doesn’t stop his minions from circling the wagons. For example, the right is questioning why Carbonite didn’t drop Ed Schultz after he called Laura Ingraham a “right wing slut”.

The Republicans just don’t get it.

Rush didn’t just call Sandra Fluke a slut, but any woman who takes birth control. He slung one of the worst insults to a majority of women in this country that you can. On top of that Rush totally lied about it. He said Fluke was testifying about having all this sex without risk of pregnancy. No! She was testifying about contraceptives as part of women’s health. Women can be put on contraceptives and never once intend to have sex. There are far more uses for them than just birth control.

Of course we are dealing with the idiots of the right though. What medical science and the other side says just doesn’t matter. Their narrow minded views are that women should just suck up the pain and take the risk of things like cancer in order to make men happy. They really want to roll us back to the 1800’s.

Limbaugh is still a fat, sexist, lying sack of shit and the people who listen to him are coming in a close second. All we can do is hope and pray that common sense and intelligence prevails in our country or we are doomed to return to the times of women who can’t vote and slavery. Actually I think that’s what many on the right actually want.

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