June 29, 2015 /

Dear Ted Cruz. Stop With The Drama Queen

Since the SCOTUS dealt some major defeats to the rights agenda last week, Ted Cruz has been on the war path.

Dear Ted Cruz. Stop With The Drama Queen

Ted Cruz is in full meltdown over the recent Supreme Court rulings

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) went so far as to call for a constitutional convention to overturn the court’s decision while campaigning in Iowa, according to CNN. In an interview with Sean Hannity he called the back-to-back rulings on health care and gay marriage “some of the darkest 24 hours in our nation’s history.”

Really? People enjoying the same rights as other citizens, simply regardless of their sexual orientation contributes to the darkest 24 hours, along with providing healthcare to millions of people? Even more astonishing is that anyone can say this with a straight face. 

Ted Cruz claims to be a “Christian”, but let’s look at what he is comparing equality and healthcare to:

  • 9/11 – 3,000 lives lost
  • Pearl Harbor – 2,500 lives lost
  • The Civil War – almost 3/4 of a million lives lost.
  • The Great Depression – countless lives lost, ruined and families destroyed.
  • Slavery – countless lives lost, people forced to live in chains.
  • Pre-Civil Rights – People being denied basic human rights simply based upon the color of their skin

The list goes on, yet somehow the hate-filled Ted Cruz believes that gay marriage and healthcare is somehow the equivalent of these. This man is a total joke, but also a threat. He preaches his hatred in order to promote his own political agenda. Perhaps its time the media stop giving him any attention at all, and let him go ahead and fulfill his true legacy as time goes on:

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