April 28, 2006 /

Jean "Full of" Schmidt in Trouble For Being Full Of Shit.

Well Jean Schmidt in fact did lie: The Ohio Elections Commission on Thursday found that Republican U.S. Rep. Jean Schmidt violated campaign law by claiming on her Web site last year that she had two college degrees when she had only one. The commission, which ruled unanimously against Schmidt, issued a public reprimand for the […]

Well Jean Schmidt in fact did lie:

The Ohio Elections Commission on Thursday found that Republican U.S. Rep. Jean Schmidt violated campaign law by claiming on her Web site last year that she had two college degrees when she had only one.

The commission, which ruled unanimously against Schmidt, issued a public reprimand for the violation. The commission also dismissed a complaint that Schmidt’s campaign filed against her opponent in Tuesday’s primary, former U.S. Rep. Bob McEwen, claiming he wasn’t an Ohio resident.

It was the latest setback for Schmidt, who went to Congress last year in a special election to replace Rob Portman, whom President Bush appointed as U.S. trade representative and is set to take over the White House budget office.

Schmidt was booed on the House floor in November for her comments criticizing Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., a decorated Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam and is an opponent of the Iraq war. She said: “Cowards cut and run, Marines never do.” Schmidt later sent Murtha a note of apology and said she never intended to attack Murtha personally.

When questions were first raised about her college degree claim, Schmidt replied “I have enough classes for the degree”. Lets face it – this lady is a flat out liar. Paul Hackett proved that last year during the special election which won her the seat. This lady has no scruples or ethics – she is in fact a Republican

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