August 31, 2005 /

Evangelical Blasts Roberson

Jack Van Impe, a television evangelist on the Trinity Broadcasting Network blasted Pat Robertson this week over this comments about the needed assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chaves. Not only that, but Mr. Robertson, you are pro-life, and yet you wanted the members of the Supreme Court to die last year, and now the president […]

Jack Van Impe, a television evangelist on the Trinity Broadcasting Network
blasted Pat Robertson this week over this comments about the needed
assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chaves.

Not only that, but Mr. Robertson, you are pro-life, and yet you wanted
the members of the Supreme Court to die last year, and now the president of
Venezuela. We believe this book: Thou shalt not kill; Exodus 20, verse 13.
And my Bible says that this is wrong, and I want to challenge you right now
to change your ways. Because we as Christians do not need an Osami [sic] Bin
Laden leading us.

That quote was taking from
Media Matters rush
transcript and they have the video clip of the statement. Please check it

While I am not a religious person, I do watch Jack Van Impe from time to
time. He is entertaining and his co host is funny to watch also (she is like a
new Tammy Faye). I have a new respect for Jack now. He seems to be more in touch
with the values of Christianity than Pat Robertson is.

I wonder how Pat is acting now that Chavez is offering food and cheap oil to
the hurricane victims? He will probably try and take credit for it saying his
comments provoked Chavez into a state of cooperation with the Unites States.
Seems more like Chavez knows how to play the diplomacy game, something Robertson
and the Bush White House needs to learn.

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