October 22, 2008 /

Family Values A Republican Stronghold?

Not anymore. A new McClatchy/IPSOS poll finds Obama is the strong on the family values issue: On family values, a subject Republicans have used to court Christian conservatives and suburban moderates since the 1980s, likely voters now prefer Obama over McCain by 8 points. That’s up from 3 points in mid-September. Let’s ignore the fact […]

Not anymore. A new McClatchy/IPSOS poll finds Obama is the strong on the family values issue:

On family values, a subject Republicans have used to court Christian conservatives and suburban moderates since the 1980s, likely voters now prefer Obama over McCain by 8 points. That’s up from 3 points in mid-September.

Let’s ignore the fact the John McCain’s family values is having an affair with his current wife while married to his disabled wife. That was almost 30 years ago. Instead let’s focus on this week.

Barack Obama leaves the campaign trail for two days starting tomorrow to see his ailing grandmother. Sounds like pretty strong family values – doesn’t it? Well to us (and the normal people out there) it does, but the right has been rabid over this issue, donning their tin foil hats to come up with excuses Obama is going there. Family values don’t have any meaning to these people, it’s just a catch phrase. The American electorate has caught onto this game and now the Republicans are paying for it. That’s going to help with our victory in 13 days.

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