The Truth Hurts
Booman hits a tone of truthiness that won’t sit well with the blogosphere: James Kirchick likes to crow about how the Netroots don’t matter. There are a few former (Republican and Democrat) office holders that might beg to differ. But, Kirchick is right about one thing. If Obama listened to the Netroots’ advice all the […]

Booman hits a tone of truthiness that won’t sit well with the blogosphere:
James Kirchick likes to crow about how the Netroots don’t matter. There are a few former (Republican and Democrat) office holders that might beg to differ. But, Kirchick is right about one thing. If Obama listened to the Netroots’ advice all the time he wouldn’t be president-elect. However, the FISA bill is not one of those examples. The FISA vote was excessive and unnecessary caution and it was Obama’s biggest mistake. Having said that, he generally ignored the Netroots’ advice and, for the most part, he was wise to do so. He ran a far smarter and more disciplined campaign than I could have ever dreamed up.
(emphasis added – h/t Cesca)
I blogged about this during the campaign season. Countless influential blogs on our side were complaining that Obama wasn’t going negative enough. Some even called donating to Obama “a waste of money” and came close to writing off his whole campaign because of this. Well Obama ignored those bloggers and ended up winning. When asked about negative ads, people overwhelmingly thought that McCain was much more negative than Obama.
I agree with the blogosphere on most issues of policy, but I am also a realist. I understand that Obama can not just legislate to make the blogosphere happy. If he does that then he has a big risk of becoming a one term President. Instead he has to do what he feels best for the country. I didn’t vote for Obama to see out my wishes for our nation. I voted for Obama because I see a man who can seriously analyze problems and come to sound conclusions – a man who wants advice, not ‘yes’ men. That alone is a 180 degree difference from what we have experienced these past eight years, and what can make feel so optimistic about our future.
Yes I disagree with Obama on some things (and FISA was a big one), but I also have complete faith in the man and his doing the right thing for America. I am also very glad he ignored the advice of bloggers and ran his campaign the way he did. It shows that he has some smart people that harnessed power the blogs never could to end up winning the White House. If anything we now need a President we can trust and have faith in. That will rebuild America.