July 6, 2005 /

Summer of Scam – A New Service Brought to You by Intoxination

I didn’t make any posts yesterday, but I did work on the blog. If you look to the left you will see a new box called “Summer of Scam”. This is a new service I have launched in order to keep everyone up to date on latest news developments regarding some of the bigger scandals […]

I didn’t make any posts yesterday, but I did work on the blog. If you look to
the left you will see a new box called “Summer of Scam”. This is a new service I
have launched in order to keep everyone up to date on latest news developments
regarding some of the bigger scandals we are seeing this summer.

The Summer of Scam pages will only contain text from articles related to that
pages scam. I will not do any editorializing on them, as I wish to leave all
that for the Intoxination blog. Instead, what I am doing is simple. I will be
posting news articles as they break so people can head to one of the four main
scam sites and use them as a reference or just to stay up to date. Each page is
also syndicated so you can place them in your favorite XML reader or add them to
services such as My Yahoo or My MSN.

I debated on doing a page for the Downing Street Memos, but I figured there
are enough sites devoted to that already. If you want to keep up on the latest
developments regarding the Downing Street Memos then I suggest you go to
Afterdowningstreet.org, as they
are doing an excellent job in keeping up on the news as it develops.

The following is a brief description of the content of Summer of Scam.

CunningScam – This page will be devoted to news regarding the
allegedly illegal ties that California Republican Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham
has with defense contractor MZM. The FBI has been conducting raids and subpoenas
are being issued, so this is a great scam in its self.

HelluvABurden – News related to the investigation into our vice
President’s old company and their possible overcharges to the American tax
payers. A push is on to start a Congressional hearing into the allegations.
Democratic leaders have already held one hearing in which compelling testimony
was given regarding such scams as the serving of rancid food to our soldiers by
Halliburton subsidiary KBR. This scam could have some big ties surface.

PlameGame – The ousting of CIA agent Valerie Plame is a scandal that
will go down in American History. Was it done in strict retaliation for her
husband’s opposition to President Bush’s discredited Africa/Saddam tie? Could
Karl Rove be the leak? As the court battle continues and reporters go to jail,
this story is going to unravel into a plethora of deceit, betrayal and possible
treason. Stay up to date with breaking headlines on the PlameGame.

Slobbiest – Jack Abramoff is a Washington DC lobbyist, who not only
arranges golf trips to Scottland for Republican’s such as Tom Delay, but does so
while scamming Indian Tribes out of money. Congressional committee hearings have
already commenced, and the Department of Justice is now on the job. How big is
the house that Jack Built? Will Tom Delay end up getting in more hot water over
this? Will the poor Indian tribes who Abramoff scammed out of millions ever see
a red cent recovered? We have already learned that Jack was using some of the
money to help fund a sniper school in Israel so will this end up being part of
our reason for the Iraq war? This scam is a scandal of all scandals and you will
read about it as it happens on Slobbiest.

I hope you enjoy these new services I am offering. With the news getting
overwhelming and the major networks overshadowing these stories with other
stories such as “Runaway Brides” and “Damsels Missing”, these sites will be sure
to help keep you up to date on what is important to a tax payer of our great

If you have any tips you would like to notify me about or suggestions, then
please feel free to email using the appropriate links to the left. All help is
welcomed as this is going to be a major undertaking, but one that must be done.
I hope you enjoy these new services and welcome to the Summer of Scam!

More IntoxiNation
