March 14, 2008 /

Mr. Understatement

Bush just said the economy is having a “rough time”. This is a step up from a “slowdown” a couple of week ago. Of course he is insisting that they are on top of it and will fix it. I agree – it will be fixed as soon as a Democrat is in the White […]

Bush just said the economy is having a “rough time”. This is a step up from a “slowdown” a couple of week ago. Of course he is insisting that they are on top of it and will fix it. I agree – it will be fixed as soon as a Democrat is in the White House. Isn’t it funny how our “cyclical” economy always seems to be at it’s low point when a Republican sits in the White House?


He is shooting down any plans Congress has for the economy. Yeah since his leadership has been so great on this.

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