The GOP's "Diversity"
Rick Davis on the line up of speakers for the GOP convention: “I think one of the things that is important, especially for John McCain, as unique a politician as he is, is to demonstrate the diversity and differences of ideology I would say of our party,” Davis said. “I think one of the things […]

Rick Davis on the line up of speakers for the GOP convention:
“I think one of the things that is important, especially for John McCain, as unique a politician as he is, is to demonstrate the diversity and differences of ideology I would say of our party,” Davis said. “I think one of the things that people forget about is we are not a very monolithic as a party. We really want to show some of that.”‘
Let’s see this melting pot of “diversity” Davis is talking about:
Looks like a bunch of old white guys to me. And what about the differences in ideology? The only ideology these guys have is wanting more wars. Yeah this is a shining example of the GOP platform – kill everyone in the name of whatever excuse they can make up!