Drudge At It Again
Here’s his latest headline and all the wingnuts are following suit. Makes you think that Obama wants to steal the millions and billions of the rich and give it to the poor in some modern day Robin Hood sense – doesn’t it? Well if you check out what Obama was actually talking about, you would […]

Here’s his latest headline and all the wingnuts are following suit.
Makes you think that Obama wants to steal the millions and billions of the rich and give it to the poor in some modern day Robin Hood sense – doesn’t it? Well if you check out what Obama was actually talking about, you would soon find out that isn’t the case. In essence what he was saying is the tragedy was the people made millions off of slavery and that wealth was never shared with the victims of that time – the slaves. It also talks about the inequality that was benefited by numerous whites over the years from blacks receiving far less than normal wages.
In other words – it is a tragedy. It’s a tragedy still going on today. A strong middle class makes America’s economy that much stronger. Currently our middle class is struggling and you see how our economy is doing. Think about it for a minute. A lot of it is from the housing market. If people could afford to pay their mortgages then we might not be in this economic disaster now, so we have proof of this philosophy occupying our headlines today.
Likewise, Palin, Bush and McCain all support policies that further widen the gap between the middle and upper classes. This has been a very dangerous path for American economics, and something we are seeing the ill-effects of today. The “American dream” has become next to impossible to obtain. With all the focus on Joe the Plumber, perhaps people should be asked if they see a clear path to become a successful business owner in this climate.
The Republicans want us to think that the more profits a company makes the more money the employees make. This is not the case. Since 1980 the gap between CEO salaries and employee salaries has widened exponentially. Companies have also been shipping jobs overseas, a practice that has cost our economy 3/4 of a million job this year alone. This helps increase their profit margins, yet does nothing for the middle class.
In other words, Matt Drudge is pushing a headline that exemplifies the exact problems with our economy today. The right wing is jumping on board with this also. It shows that they have either a serious lack of understanding or a serious lack of care for the future of America. We saw their philosophies hurt us in the 80’s and early 90’s. We were able to do damage control on this, but now the Republicans have put us back into those dire straits and the Republican base wants to continue down that very path of despair for a majority of the population. Widening the gap between upper class and middle class is change you can believe in. You can believe it will further destroy our nation.