Skewing A Headline
Matt Drudge will never change, and is still at it when it comes to trying to misinterpret headlines into something that might enrage the right wing. Here’s the latest example: So HuffPo is getting a “bailout”? Is she part of the financial sector or auto industry? The answer to both is of course “no”. Instead […]

Matt Drudge will never change, and is still at it when it comes to trying to misinterpret headlines into something that might enrage the right wing. Here’s the latest example:
So HuffPo is getting a “bailout”? Is she part of the financial sector or auto industry? The answer to both is of course “no”. Instead the article Drudge links to says this:
The Times has learnt that the Huffington Post, her influential political website, will confirm within the next week that it has completed a $15 million (£10 million) fundraising from investors.
The money will finance the expansion of HuffPo, as it is known, into the provision of local news across the United States and into more investigative journalism. And it will ensure that Ms Huffington’s influence continues to spread across the US political scene.
So in Drudge’s mind, investing is a “bailout”. Let’s look at the definition of bailout:
A rescue from financial difficulties
The article makes no mention of HuffPo going through “financial difficulties”. On the contrary, it sounds like HuffPo is doing great and people now want more stock in it by investing. Maybe Drudge could start competing with HuffPo again, if he reported truths instead of a bunch of lies and misconceptions. True that would go against his very soul