More Pollgasm
Following up on the results of the poll I posted earlier, we see that people like Rick Santelli really don’t have the pulse of the American people. Let’s start with image 1 from the poll. But let’s not beat up on poor Rick too much. He seemed to really like helping out the banks. I […]

Following up on the results of the poll I posted earlier, we see that people like Rick Santelli really don’t have the pulse of the American people. Let’s start with image 1 from the poll.
But let’s not beat up on poor Rick too much. He seemed to really like helping out the banks. I am sure he has the pulse of American on that one. Right?
Hmmm Rick. It looks like helping out the banks isn’t sitting really well with the people either. Well how about limiting those executive salaries and perks? Surely the people of this symbol of capitalism would agree that’s bad. Wouldn’t they?
Ummm – we are in Dick Cheney territory here.
There is something else here. Today the DOW closed at its lowest level since 1997. Already you can hear some on the far right screaming “He’s been in office a month! Why isn’t it fixed!” – just ask Matt Drudge. Well the people also seem to break with this thinking and understand that fixing this mess is a long term job:
People know this won’t be fixed overnight, or even in the next year. As matter of fact people realize that it’s going to take up at least 1/2 of Obama’s first term in office to really make progress. So while people like Chris Matthews was screaming tonight “why isn’t it fixed yet – people want to know why its not fixed”, it turns out he was wrong. The people understand it us going to take us a long time to get out of the mess Republican ideas have left us in. Or a better way to put it – America is smart. Our people can understand this stuff. The media and Republicans always bank on America being filled with idiots. Well that kind of banking is the kind that leads to bailouts.