Golfin’ John
Image via Wikipedia Everyone knows that Boehner loves his golf, but it turns out he loves it a little too much: By all public estimations, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is a pretty good golfer. He should be, given the $82,998 his political action committee has spent on golf outings so far this year, […]

Image via Wikipedia
Everyone knows that Boehner loves his golf, but it turns out he loves it a little too much:
By all public estimations, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) is a pretty good golfer.
He should be, given the $82,998 his political action committee has spent on golf outings so far this year, according to Federal Election Commission filings.
I bet all the people who donate to his PAC are glad that their money is going to something as important as golfing. What’s also interesting is how much Republicans get on Obama for golfing, yet they won’t mention Boehner’s obsession.
Being one of Boehner’s constituents, I can safely say he worries more about golfing than he does his own district. He doesn’t do crap for people around here and the people are finally getting fed up.