The Birth Of A Crapspiracy Theory – The Right Thinks Blogger Only Took Down Their Blogs
This week the Blogger Platform suffered an outage that lasted over 24 hours. Blogger, which is owned by Google, is a very popular and free platform for publishing blogs. This outage affected nearly all of the blogs hosted on Blogger, but that didn’t stop the right from springing into conspiracy mode. Here’s RedState blogger Moe […]

This week the Blogger Platform suffered an outage that lasted over 24 hours. Blogger, which is owned by Google, is a very popular and free platform for publishing blogs. This outage affected nearly all of the blogs hosted on Blogger, but that didn’t stop the right from springing into conspiracy mode. Here’s RedState blogger Moe Lane:
Well, isn’t this interesting: apparently Blogger/Google has decided to remove Ann Althouse’s blog. They’re also being neither particularly helpful in either explaining why, nor sounding particularly sympathetic that it’s been taken down, either.
Wonder if this has anything to do with Ann’s objective (and thus, anti-administration) coverage of the Wisconsin protests? I certainly hope that it has nothing to do with that…
Ann Althouse quoted Moe’s post and even added this tidbit:
Back in 2004, 98% of Google employees gave money to Democrats.
Oh the old “evil left-wing Google” conspiracies fly again from the right. Of course a quick check during the outage would have revealed that even lefty blogs like Digby, AmericaBLOG and Atrios were even down. This check could have been done in under 30 seconds and would have saved Moe from an embarrassment, but the right thrives on those “the whole world is out to get us” conspiracies, so it wouldn’t have helped their agenda.
Of course this isn’t the first time the right has blamed Google of partisan tricks. For years YouTube, another Google property, has been under attack from the right, most notably from prominent right wing blogger Michelle Malkin. It seems that anytime Google removes a video or user from the right that it is some conspiracy that YouTube doesn’t like the right. That’s rather interesting considering I know a lot of lefty users on YouTube that have also had content removed and their accounts banned. Again – a meritless conspiracy theory spawned by the paranoid right.
The most ironic part of all this is the fact that these people continue to use Google’s free services. If you believe a company is so evil and trying to stifle your free speech, then wouldn’t you give them the ol’ heave ho and refuse to use their product? I thought this was how free markets were supposed to regulate themselves? I guess not. Ann Althouse is still using blogger and Michelle Malkin continues to use Google products.
I wonder what these two would do if Google did block them from using their services? Would it be a “violation of rights” as so many on the right claim, even when getting banned from comment sections on blogs? I bet you it would be, which is rather interesting given the views of right wing darlings Ron Paul and Rand Paul and how they believe government shouldn’t force business to serve people based on the color of their skin. Of course that gives us more proof that Malkin and Althouse are racists because blacks don’t deserve rights, but they do.
So now we see how racist Ann Althouse and Michelle Malkin really are!
But not really. See what I did there? I took some random thoughts, sprinkled with a little bit of unrelated fact and quickly turned it into a conspiracy theory. I just took their tactic and twisted it around on them. Of course I won’t be shocked to hear that I only did this because George Soros paid me to.