Why Are Rightwingers Like Drudge Supporting Chavez?
The last few days we have seen the entire right go on about Obama shaking hands with Hugo Chavez and Chavez giving a book to our President. Even today wingnut talking points author Matt Drudge is still pushing the story: And what has all this publicity done for the Venezuelan leader? One of the biggest […]

The last few days we have seen the entire right go on about Obama shaking hands with Hugo Chavez and Chavez giving a book to our President. Even today wingnut talking points author Matt Drudge is still pushing the story:
And what has all this publicity done for the Venezuelan leader?
One of the biggest winners at the ongoing fifth Summit of the Americas turned out to be a decades-old book about Latin America’s colonial past.
The “Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent” by Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano rocketed to bestseller status Saturday night on the online bookstore Amazon.com after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez approached U.S. President Barack Obama and handed him a copy of the book Saturday morning.
The publicity about the gift helped propel its English version from relative obscurity to No. 10 on the Amazon.com list of bestsellers on Saturday night.
Way to go Drudge – you have made Hugo Chavez relevant! The right wing agenda has now succeeded.