Party Changes Happening
Howard Dean is now out as the head of the DNC and now we got Tim Kaine poised to take over the party. I think Kaine is an excellent pick. He has great fund raising potential, and it might help keep Virginia blue. But over on the Republican side, things are more interesting. It looks […]

Howard Dean is now out as the head of the DNC and now we got Tim Kaine poised to take over the party. I think Kaine is an excellent pick. He has great fund raising potential, and it might help keep Virginia blue.
But over on the Republican side, things are more interesting. It looks like Ken Blackwell is positioned to become the new head of the RNC:
Ohio’s former Secretary of State has picked up some support in his effort to become chair of the Republican National Committee.
Saturday, Cincinnati’s Ken Blackwell picked up endorsements from several prominent conservatives, including Dr. James Dobson who is founder of Focus on the Family.
Other support was logged in from one-time GOP presidential hopeful Steve Forbes and Club For Growth president Pat Toomey.
The conservative wing of the GOP is seeking to maintain its influence in party leadership after experts say their position has lost ground along with legislative seats in the November, 2008, election.
So the RNC wants to pick a new head that is plagued with questions and lawsuits from the 2004 presidential election? Hmmm ok. Blackwell’s last run for public office was in 2006, when he ran for governor here in Ohio, where he lost by 24% to our current governor, Ted Strickland.
Back during Blackwell’s 2006 race, people tied to Blackwell’s campaign were also pushing rumors about Strickland that he was gay and wasn’t even a resident of the state. Blackwell ran one of the dirtiest campaigns in the state’s history. This is the guy Republicans want to lead them out of the abyss they are in? Wow…
Of course there is a part of me thinking that Blackwell is only a front-runner because of his skin color, and I don’t think I am too far off base here. What if another conservative, who spent the last eight years blindly supporting Bush, was running for the party head? He would be laughed out. This kind of reminds me of the Palin pick. They are hoping people identify with the Republican party just because of sex or race. It sounds like the belief of the Republican party that any non-Anglo male only chooses their leaders upon appearance – that they are really that shallow.