
Michelle Malkin Makes Orly Taitz Look Sane

Get ready for the newest chapter in right wing lunacies – the “art fraud” chapter.  Malkin and her minions are on a rampage over what they consider to be “fraudulent art” in the White House.  Here is their smoking gun:

The artist is Alma Thomas and the piece is called “Watusi”. As Malkin can’t help but point out, Thomas is a African America (oohhh shudder).

They are saying that Thomas’ pieces is a copy Henri Matisse’s “L’Escargot” (the snail):


Wow now they do look very similar indeed. As matter of fact they could be the same thing, but only different. Good for Malkin for exposing this this fraud! Let’s take a look at Thomas a little more and see what they say about this fraud:

A good place to begin thinking about Alma Thomas’s ravishing late work might be the moment in 1964 when, close to paralysis and bedridden, the 73-year-old artist found herself staring at the hollyhock shadows she had known her entire life and calculating how to use them in her paintings. A year earlier, she had seen the late Matisse cutouts at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Matisse’s work had prompted her to paint an acrylic-on-canvas version of his collage The Snail (1953), in which nearly all the original colors were reversed. Thomas named her painting Watusi (Hard Edge), after Chubby Checker’s dance hit “The Watusi.” As well as marrying high modernism with the popular culture of black America–then entering the American mainstream–the title she chose noted Matisse’s debt to African art.

Wait! So Thomas admits what the piece was – a copy of “L’Escargot”, with the colors reversed. I don’t think we can call this a fraud when the artist actually admits what they were doing. True to someone like Malkin, who can only see black and white, I guess this is the smoking gun needed to impeach our president.

And to see the racist overtones of what this has lead provoked in Malkin’s comment section check out the list assembled by The General. It seems there is an obsession with rappers using lyrics from “white people music”. Yeah we won’t talk about country singers copying rock songs left and right, or how most modern music actually comes from black origins. Nope – to Malkin and her readers they are the superior race, even if Malkin isn’t part of that race. Welcome to the new Storm Front.

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