Will The Democrats Seize On Barton's Comments Yesterday.
While House rules prevent Democrats from using the video of Joe Barton yesterday on the campaign trail, they can still hammer away on his apology to BP for the “shakedown” Obama did to them. This statement by Barton is a national treasure for Democrats. They can run simple commercials telling what he said and pointing […]

While House rules prevent Democrats from using the video of Joe Barton yesterday on the campaign trail, they can still hammer away on his apology to BP for the “shakedown” Obama did to them.
This statement by Barton is a national treasure for Democrats. They can run simple commercials telling what he said and pointing out that if Republicans regain control of the House that Barton would become the chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which is the main oversight committee of the oil industry.
Add to that the fact that Barton’s biggest contributors are from the energy industry:
Now you got a great commercial to run against any Republican:
Representative Joe Barton apologized to British Petroleum for the President demanding they pay for all damages incurred by the oil spill. This is not shocking coming from a person who enjoys a majority of his campaign contributions from the energy committee, but is this what America needs?
As the ranking Republican of the powerful Energy and Commerce committee, Joe Barton holds a lot of control over what happens in the oil industry. Do we need Joe Barton as the chairman of this powerful committee? A vote for John Boehner would put Joe Barton one vote closer to taking the gavel and offering the oil industry extra protection.
Barton’s statement doesn’t need to effect just Barton, but the Republicans overall. Other Republicans have made similar statements, like Michelle Bachmann, but Barton is by far the most powerful. If Democrats take this gift and seize on it then it could really affect the outcome in November.
And as far as using the video, well nothing says that PACs can’t do that. It’s time for different political organizations to put up video around the country of what Barton said. Show Americans that Republicans are on the side of big oil and not Americans.